The kinetic timepiece that turns time into art
Solstice is a kinetic timepiece that functions as both a single handed clock and a kinetic artwork, offering a new and calming way to experience time.
Changes shape throughout the day like a flower
Solstice is a single handed clock that changes shape over a 12 hour period, opening and closing like a flower, offering a new way to experience time.
A meditative approach to time
Time for many is a source of stress. Another meeting to go to, a train to catch.
Solstice offers a new calming approach to time. All our customers have commented on the remarkable calming effect that Solstice has on them.
Precision engineering, beautiful materials
Solstice is machined from aircraft grade aluminum and engineered wood, so that it not only looks and works beautifully but is built to last a lifetime
Show off to friends and family with demo mode
In demo mode Solstice opens and closes every 60 seconds, a beautiful and meditative spectacle.
Completely silent
Solstice moves with complete silence, allowing you to enjoy its meditative beauty with peace and quiet.